Environment & ecology


A guide to renewable and non-renewable energies

Rising oil prices, environmental challenges and changing legislation have created an urgent need to develop alternatives to better manage energy resources…

Istructe | The Institution of Structural Engineers IStructE

The Institution leads and supports the development of structural engineering worldwide, in order to secure a safe and resilient built environment for all.

Easycgi | EasyCGI

Affordable Windows Web Hosting Service Provider offering ASP, ASP.net 2.0, Windows 2003 and 2008 Hosting Environment with Reseller Hosting Available. Low cost business hosting services Easy CGI

Nrc | Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Avon­wildlifet­rust | Avon Wildlife Trust

Avon Wildlife Trust is committed to enabling wildlife to survive and thrive across the region. More than 18, 000 members, 3, 500 volunteers and a dedicated staff team work together to make our local area wilder and make nature part…

Touchsto­neb­log | ToUChstone blog A public policy blog from the TUC

An informal blog from the TUC about policy issues that are in the news, or ought to be. Topics include economic policy, welfare & society, poverty & inequality, skills, pensions, tax, environment and quality of work issues.

Ihbc | Welcome to the Institute of Historic Building Con­ser­va­tion (IHBC)

The IHBC is the professional body for building conservation practitioners and historic environment experts working in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with connections to the Republic of Ireland.

Theecolo­gist | Home The Ecologist

news and investigations on the environment, climate change, farming, energy, food, health, green living, eco friendly products The Ecologist

Cornwall | Home Page Cornwall Council

Cornwall Council website Information on council services and Cornwall

Global climate change | Global Climate Change Or­ganiza­tion Scientific Research on Global Warming

This is a Global Climate Change Organization and its main goal is a scientific research on Global Warming, solutions and effects on the environment.